Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Do Baby Gets Allergies From Breastfeeding


of Pagano Luigi Rizzo

Dear Councillor of the City of Ecology Calcinato,

on the news "Calcinato Informa" delivered free to citizenship during the holiday season could be read on page 2 " disappear bins of green . It 's a first step toward the curbside collection ...".

I thought that finally the City of Calcinato began a separate waste collection systems in order to reach at least 65% by December 31, 2012 as expected, moreover, the extract from D. Lgs. 152/06 and smi

read the article then I realized, in fact, who spoke of "door to door" with the beginning of 2012 praising, and rightly so, because the methodology allows for the maximum percentage of differentiation. Continuing the article I read that "phase in this project," the Administration has decided to remove the bins for the collection of grass cuttings and twigs of gardens and parks. At the end of the article to reassure the reader by saying that "this scelta permetterà al Comune di reinvestire risorse per aumentare la frequenza dei passaggi per la raccolta dei rifiuti solidi urbani e di ampliare l'orario di apertura dell'isola ecologica nel fine settimana per meglio rispondere alle esigenze della cittadinanza."

Finendo di leggere l'articolo mi sorgeva un dubbio: “Ma i rifiuti organici (in altre parole gli scarti da cucina) adesso dove li porterò?”. Il giorno 4 Gennaio chiudo il mio sacchetto trasparente dei rifiuti organici domestici e fiducioso vado in cerca di cassonetti dove depositarlo. Niente, Nulla. Allora telefono in Comune all'Ufficio Ecologia e Ambiente per chiedere spiegazioni. Mi viene risposto che per il momento dovrò portarlo in bins of mixed waste (gray) or ecological island.

A little 'puzzled and a bit' angry back on January 12, stubbornly, that wanted to dispose of the transparent bag plan, this time heavier, green island of the City. At the entrance to the employees stop me, telling me that do not have permission to dispose of trash bins and even the staff!

See Egr. Councillor, I am personally convinced that we humans are "the earth" and not "on earth" and therefore partakers of his salvation. For this I'm also a stickler for the collection of waste and exploitation. I think a cleaner, more sustainable earth.

The Department for Environment, Ecology, Activities 'Mines, Energy of the Province of Brescia has made publicly available by the Provincial Waste Observatory 2010 notebook as an operational tool through which the' Provincial government collects, processes and analyzes data related to the production of waste and separate collection.

In this report, Egr. Assessor, it appears that "... The percentuale di RD media provinciale ottenuta nel corso 2009, comprensiva degli ingombranti avviati a recupero, è giunta al 41,34% (circa due punti percentuali in più rispetto al 2008). Questo aumento è verosimilmente dovuto all’attivazione, in numerosi comuni, del servizio di raccolta domiciliare della frazione umida domestica , anche secondo le modalità previste dall’accordo provinciale per l’incentivazione di una filiera economicamente sostenibile per la produzione di compost di qualità".

Continuando il rapporto si capisce che Nel 2009 la frazione maggiormente raccolta è stata la frazione verde: con circa 87.675 tonnellate rappresenta il 29% circa del totale delle RD. Le altre frazioni più consistenti dal punto di vista quantitativo sono: la carta (24,86 % del totale RD), il vetro (10,46 %), l’organico (8,62%) il legno (7,98%). Su 22 frazioni (tipi di rifiuti) che vanno dal verde al vetro fino agli ingombranti a recupero, l'organico, come quantità raccolta in provincia, risulta al 4° posto con kg 26.416.039.

Il quaderno della Provincia inoltre appura che "come negli anni precedenti, anche per il 2009 è necessario constatare che la frazione che presenta ancora ampi margini di incremento, nonostante il numero significativo of municipalities that have activated the service as part of the provincial program to encourage an economically viable industry for the production of quality compost, is essentially the Workforce: where it is successfully enabled the collection plan is greatly exceed the level of 35% of separated waste. "

Recovery plan for implementing the composting technique that allows you to control, accelerate and improve the natural process of biological decomposition of organic matter, resulting in an organic product stable, the compost, humus-rich, active microbial flora and trace elements that make a product suitable for many uses agronomic crops grown in the nursery to the open field.

If the organic waste of departure is the damp domestic collected separately (kitchen waste and scrap), or from organic residues of agro-industrial activities, the composting process results in a composted soil conditioner for use in agriculture or involved in the nursery, known as "Compost Quality".

addition, the Province with the Provincial Council Resolution number 358, July 22, 2008, approved the agreement for the promotion of an economically sustainable industry for the recovery of the wet organic fraction of municipal solid waste intended for the production of quality compost. The agreement, aimed at the communes of Brescia and provincial Compost plants, is aimed at furthering the recovery of waste, reduction of production costs for mixed waste and recovery operations of the wet fraction by composting household waste solid waste, by improving the quality of the organic fraction collected separately, the economic value of compost quality e l'incentivazione del suo impiego in agricoltura e in altri settori. I contenuti dell’accordo sono pubblicati sul sito della Provincia di Brescia. Anche nella tabella dei Comuni che hanno aderito all'accordo, ed ai principali parametri di interesse relativi all'iniziativa, Calcinato non c'è!

Come vede, Egr. Assessore, l'organico è una frazione, tra i rifiuti differenziati, che ricopre importanza nella gamma, ricordo di 22 tipi individuabili. Ma anche nella raccolta in genere dei rifiuti differenziati, Egr. Assessore, il nostro comune non eccelle!!! Sempre dal sito della Provincia di Brescia si desume the trend: we went from 39% in 2008 to 33.7 in 2009 (less than 14%!), a far cry from the 65% minimum essential to achieve 31 December 2012.

From the point of view of costs, Egr. Deputy Mayor, not to differentiate or differentiate bad it costs more. In 2008, the total cost of differentiation and disposal for the City of Calcinato was € 1,123,739 while for 2009 has risen and it was € 1,134,534, fully supported by proceeds from the tariff.

How will gradually introduce the design of door to door, if it fails to involve the citizens? Now, in these days and / or in future seasons (spring, summer and autumn) how they will meet the collection plan? And 'certain to come to a complete awareness of citizenship for the contribution of the fraction of the waste called green, ecological platform by the spring? About to reach the platform from my home I did with my car (round trip) 7.4 km.

Egr. Councillor, I am a simple citizen who sometimes wonders why of things and looking for answers. It seems to be a serious illness in a world that is silent and it takes all the same.


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