Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pentax Pump Not Holding The Pressure

Pike Welfare parte 2 : slamare e rilasciare un luccio

Stefano Vallongo

After learning the correct use of the landing net el 'implementation of the socket opercular see how to perform other operations necessary to perform a proper cath & Release. More precisely, will be described in detail how to unhook, photograph, and release reoxygenate in the best way a pike. The operations described here may seem trivial but the real pike angler must first be able to manage, manipulate and release a pike in the best way, even in difficult situations.

What must be borne in mind when Slama a pike is that the most dangerous accidents that can occur when unhooking the fish are not caused by the teeth of fish, but the anchors of the artificial that due to the squirming of the pike can injure our hands, being so dangerously and painfully hooked together with an easy unhooking luccio.Per need of long tongs surgeon in good quality steel, which allow a firm grip on hooks and anchors. For the first experience you should have someone already experienced and fish handlers use gloves or neoprene to protect against cuts and abrasions.

The unhooking requires a bit 'of expertise and attention. The clamps should grip firmly hooks along the curve, which enables to be more precise and exert a greater force combined with a better grip. In If I swallow, stir in the queue to be hooked near the gills of fish and great care is needed in the extraction, to try not to puncture surrounding the gills. Unfortunately it is during this phase that often cause the most damage to the fish. In the case of "seam" that is, if the same stir bar has more tips hooked, it is preferable to crush the barbs and begin to slam only after identifying the appropriate sequence to extract all love. If you are fishing with artificial bait or small can a stir bar or part of the frame is partially or wholly the esophagus. In trying to forcibly remove the stir bar can be provocare lesioni interne mortali per il pesce, quindi in questo caso è meglio tranciare con le tronchesi il dorso dell’ancoretta e per quanto possibile anche gli ardiglioni, lasciando parte della montatura in bocca al pesce. La slamatura dovrebbe avvenire nel minor tempo possibile, tuttavia è preferibile dedicare un po’ più di tempo ad una corretta slamatura piuttosto che cercare di slamare il luccio in malo modo, rimettendolo in acqua con maggiori danni. In caso di ingoio profondo spesso è indicato slamare il pesce entrando dalle branchie laterali per poi concludere la slamatura frontalmente dalla bocca.

Misurazione e foto

La cattura di un’esemplare degno di nota merita sicuramente qualche bella foto. Le foto più belle sono quelle in cui il pesce è ripreso nè troppo vicino al pescatore né troppo proteso verso il fotografo

Negli anni passati ero solito misurare i lucci sostenendoli perpendicolarmente opercolandoli con una mano e usando un metro flessibile tipo quelli usati in sartoria. Da recenti studi sembra proprio che sia pericoloso per i lucci, soprattutto per quelli di grosse dimensioni essere sorretti verticalmente. Gli esocidi possono incorrere in spinal cord injury or bone and may not survive. Then the vertical support them is to be avoided for the stages of unhooking, for those of measurement and especially for the photos. To overcome this problem to measure the fish you can install or paste metric bands on the side of your boat and measure the fish with two hands holding him close to the metro. If you prefer to weigh the fish, rather than leaving it in the landing net measure pesatelo absolutely avoiding the hooks to hang with the balance to the gills. In the unfortunate event that, during these phases the pike struggles try to hug or lock plate on the mat, so that it can be hurt by falls or collisions.

After unhook the pike we are going to support water-holding it firmly with one hand to 'tip of the tail. If fish can not keep a stable position the other hand under the belly.

To ensure that the fish do not escape while resting in the water, you can use the power "of the first approach described above. Using this socket the change of hands will be easier as well as the 'challenge to the fish' end tail.
The first few times you try a riosssigenazione is best to keep the pike with two hands on the tail because it is easy to escape.

During reoxygenation the fish must remain in order to swim parallel to the seabed, because in addition to recovery forces and oxygen must find, in the shortest as possible, balance and acquatic. You should try to keep the pike until you literally can not escape the hand with the vigorous tailless that characterizes his defense. E 'should be remembered not to leave before he has regained the 'orientation. During reoxygenation the first visible signs of a quick recovery is the movement of the front side fins, the opening of the gills and slight signs of buckle body combined with hints of fins. If the fish does not present any of these signs of recovery can further help the fish by simulating the movements of a fin gently tapping it with your hand and wrist from side to side, getting the "s" with his body.
In the case of fighting too long, poor oxygenation of the water, the temperature changes that occurred in the days before or excessive time spent al combattimento o alla slamatura, il pesce può impiegare anche qualche minuto per il completo ripristino delle forze.

Slamare in acqua
Alcuni pescatori che si affacciano al mondo del luccio come eredità dal mondo della pesca a mosca e dei pescatori di trote, portano con sé la convinzione che il modo meno invasivo per slamare un pesce sia lascialo nel suo ambiente mentre si rimuovono gli ami. Slamare in acqua i lucci ( soprattutto quelli di piccola taglia di che eviteremo di fotografare e misurare ) è sicuramente il modo migliore per far si che l’esocide possa continuare la sua vita senza ulteriori stress e danni, tuttavia bisogna sapere that is essential to unhook a pike a firm grip with his free hand from the caliper to allow the hand that Slama greater leverage and precise movements to remove the hooks. Trying to unhook the pike without locking it firmly with one hand is very often the only result of tearing his mouth widening further cuts. Rather than prolong the unhooking and increase the damage, it is more correct to challenge the fish with one hand and use a good pair of pliers with the other, an action that we can make with a piece of fish that remain in the ' water.

The trancino
E 'common belief, especially among supporters of the catch and release, it is necessary to have an trancino of good quality. It 'true that every pike fisherman should have one but on its possible uses must consider several aspects. In the case of unhooking difficult, many fishermen use immediately trancino, that in case of double or triple stitching tip helps remove hooks without doing further damage to the fish. Will be sufficient to cut off the tips just below the barb for a quick and easy unhooking.

Personally, I use it only in extreme cases. This is mainly because I fish barbless and why unhooking is definitely faster than cutting hooks. This minimizes the time of removal and the risk that the fish size, yet who is not so practical in handling the fish with the trancino will certainly be more comfortable. Before acting on the fish with trancino and / or forceps is important to note that hooks are pointed and in the case of seams trying to figure out which came first love and slam or truncate the tips in the opposite direction to their entry.
The trancino must be of excellent quality, with the correct size of the mouth and love to tinker with levers and long enough. E ' certainly necessary in the event of total or partial "esophagitis" one or more tips of the anchors. In this case truncate the shank of the 'stir leaving the rest of the fish in his mouth, which manages to stir corrode by itself. In this case the wrong thing you can do is try to remove the treble hook from 'esophagus because there is a risk of tearing and ripping parts of the' digestive system. The trancino is unfortunately necessary even if inadvertently hooks that penetrate the clothing, or even worse, in the fingers of the fisherman.

"War Wounds"
In case of contact with the brachial teeth, you may suffer minor abrasions heal disinfected once in a short time. The teeth of the palate and canines, are very sharp and easily penetrate the fingers causing cuts deep but subtle. In this case, you should blot with paper towels clean and suture the wound by wrapping your finger with gauze tape to be very adherent to the skin, but never too tight. Any wounds should be disinfected, however, and it is always best to avoid contact with the water in which it is fishing, maybe wearing a pair of sterile gloves. In the event that one or more of the fish handling infilino barb tips with you in the flesh, unfortunately, it is best to seek immediate emergency care.
Too Deep ... to hot? no Pikes
many years now, there are the controversies sull'eticità to fish the pike in great depths and water temperatures are too high. The depths of the dangerous fish that produce the so-called "gassed" in the environment may vary from season to season and environment, however what we must remember is that the pike is a kind and gentle fish with extreme methods such as deep jigging and traine causes irreversible damage to fish on several occasions may portare alla morte. Spesso a farne le spese sono proprio gli esemplari più grossi. Se si è fautori del catch and release sono tecniche da non praticare, cosi come non è giustificabile andare a pescare lucci con acque che superano i 24 gradi in superficie e in giornate estive con più di 30 gradi. Il tutto sta nella coscienza di ognuno di noi: decidete voi se è più gratificante andare a pesca di grossi lucci con il rischio di fare danni o se aspettare il momento migliore e praticare il metodo meno invasivo. Il rischio di praticare solo pesche etiche può essere il tornare a casa e non avere foto di lucci grossi da mostrare agli amici, ma poterli andare a pescare in futuro, magari al ritorno del prossimo fresco e in acque basse.
Pikes are fragile .... Handle Them With Care!


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