from comedy to farce after the highly successful strike of Palermo, which is supported by a trade union unity, the time seems like a miracle Marchionne and secondly, by the courage and steadfastness of the workers, the Master Superintendent-President-direttoreartistico-composer, took the defense of himself and is now headed the other write all'Anfols President himself and his friend Sister, a vibrant statement of protest against strike by unions in Palermo (how dare they!) guilty of attacking unfairly to him, among many of our identity, no less than that of an artist! ! The replica of the mayor of Palermo is worth to be read in full, and therefore gladly publish, with an invitation to those workers not to give in and do not fray, giving us all some reason to hope for ... a better Anfols!
Corporate Offices Teatro Massimo - Palermo
The eight Trade Unions proclamatrici delle sciopero del 20 u.s., presa visione della nota anfols, sono a chiarire quanto segue:
Lo sciopero è stato proclamato a seguito di una consulta assembleare, che ha ampiamente condiviso la proposta di sciopero, come poi confermato dall’elevatissima percentuale di adesione, sulla base di ben tre motivazioni. Di queste, due afferiscono alla gestione Cognata (esternalizzazione e prepensionamenti, trattenute per malattia). All’anfols è sfuggito il “piccolo” dettaglio.
Sappiamo anche noi che il M° Tutino "è impegnato in questa produzione nella qualità di
artista-compositore and not the manager of a theater ". But we have observed that the Maestro Tutino / composer came to Palermo accompanied by Maestro Tutino / dell'anfols President, and since we are not confronted with any clinical case "splitting of the ego," the protest that has motivated the strike was made against him, namely Tutino / President, inscidibilmente "commisto" with Tutino / composer. condition determined by egregious conflicts of interest, and probably also occurred Bondi when the Minister sought and obtained advice on how to arrange matters of the foundations.
artista-compositore and not the manager of a theater ". But we have observed that the Maestro Tutino / composer came to Palermo accompanied by Maestro Tutino / dell'anfols President, and since we are not confronted with any clinical case "splitting of the ego," the protest that has motivated the strike was made against him, namely Tutino / President, inscidibilmente "commisto" with Tutino / composer. condition determined by egregious conflicts of interest, and probably also occurred Bondi when the Minister sought and obtained advice on how to arrange matters of the foundations.
Strike therefore, was intended to express disapproval of the total workers in the Massimo in Palermo to the chief institutional activity, as clearly stated in the press, of which no word was sent to the Opera musical direction.
This means that mirror the work done by the President of Maestro Tutino, workers have sought to protect their business interests who would like a distorted view of opposing and conflicting with the foundations.
E 'reckless absolutely believe that the future of the Foundation can be achieved by sacrificing workers. No foundation will be saved if they are not protected rights who, with their daily work contributes to building the very essence and identity of the institutions.
The misguided attempt to attribute non-existent artistic censorship is promptly returned to you: here the only object of litigation is only the work matters. In fact, the Maestro Tutino has tried in every way to give employees the responsibility of the opera foundations of the crisis of the system, as can be seen in an incontrovertible statements made by the press and in each registered office. E 'superfluous bring excerpts of interviews in which he reveals his analysis also suggests la soluzione dei problemi, basterà a ciascuno dare una rapida lettura alle rassegne stampa, per capire lo scientifico accanimento contro i lavoratori. Appare quindi esagerato l’allarme dell’anfols sulla libertà di espressione artistica di Tutino, mentre è da stigmatizzare l’indifferenza dell’associazione verso quelle libertà di espressione artistica di migliaia di musicisti, messa in pericolo dalle scorrerie del loro Presidente, guarda caso musicista anch’egli.
Vero è che “non può esistere alcun legame tra l'attività del Maestro Tutino e le riduzioni del finanziamento pubblico al sistema dei Italian opera houses, but it is also true that when a highly skilled artist and "busy", with proven intellectual honesty as Maestro Tutino offers public statements with the following content: "The theaters do not have a permanent company go ahead well with 60 people ", is suggesting - not so implicitly - that you can get by with less resources, to the detriment of workers' audience. Invitation readily accepted by a political class to the needs of blind and deaf culture is dying.'d better the anfols, therefore, to weigh more than the content of his statements.
The writers then while it the defense motion for the Chairman anfols, condemn the pathetic and clumsy attempt to draw a new martyr in Maestro Tutino as if "the subject of personal attacks" , where workers have to be the target of reckless maneuvers wicked by dell'anfols, and from which they have legitimately complained, with the means recognized by law.
The writers then while it the defense motion for the Chairman anfols, condemn the pathetic and clumsy attempt to draw a new martyr in Maestro Tutino as if "the subject of personal attacks" , where workers have to be the target of reckless maneuvers wicked by dell'anfols, and from which they have legitimately complained, with the means recognized by law.
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