while posting in Genoa local trade unions confederations, CGIL, CISL and UIL, signed at Confindustria, unique place for a public institution, an agreement on the introduction of solidarity contracts at the Teatro Carlo Felice.
We apologize for using strong words in the title, and not the author of the email that you want to run as its own is enough and explanatory power of the bitter reality ....
Di Paolo Cutolo of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo:
yesterday in Genoa held a demonstration against the implementation plan of solidarity contracts. We do not know exactly what this other monster Gius-labor law and how many heads it has. We know only against those who rages, the usual ...
Riassuntino of the previous installments:
Carlo Felice with full-blown debt.
Debito significa, questo lo sanno tutti, che si è speso più di quanto si poteva, oppure che le entrate programmate sono andate disattese.
La colpa di chi è?
In genere di chi ha la gestione ed il controllo del borsellino.
Una roba che capita, penso, in ogni famiglia.
Ma a chi si chiede il conto?
the usual.
So I spend most of the salary, then I ask my family, unaware, huge sacrifices, too good!
And 'what has happened to Genoa, but the story has a cloudy appearance. It seems that the workers wanted to offer a sacrifice part of their salaries, but in a supervised, controlled and temporary, the time required to exit the tunnel, a tunnel and not so dark so long. In fact the situation of Palermo, came to light in 2003, was and is far more serious. We learned to do our part, giving up a piece of wages, an operation that is then completed in 2006, with further withdrawals. The reduction in labor costs has allowed the administration (not Sister, ed), to appear in the credit system with new credentials may adopt a financial solution, as we know we have entered into a loan of 25 years, to satisfy the claim of GLP.
In Genoa, the situation was not as catastrophic, and yet you have chosen a much more radical, also contrary to what has been said, the instrument of "solidarity agreement" that was initially presented as an extraordinary measure to Genoa, it turns out now that is applicable to the entire system instead of the Foundations. And with the cutting el FUS, already programmed for 2011, there credeci of other theaters that will follow the example of Genoa.
The "method" ALITALIA (but FIAT Pomigliano ), which appears to have worked fine for Colannino Marchionne and now rages here too: either you drop your pants and you anoint it right, or close their doors! And you can swear that a head-stick ready to say that you chose the "lesser evil" or who has escaped the "danger close" it is always, whatever the market price of the trade unionist sold ... ;
ricattino The new business of the third millennium, with the bosses (and administrators who act as such) that is increasingly rich and arrogant, and "normal" people who runs after the end of the month.
prefer to gloss over all matters of greater or lesser representation, because it seems that the raid was carried out even without the knowledge of middle managers (must be a problem if they are ignored by their leaders except to be reminded of their duty to mobilize the "base"? And if base if they fuck, will also be a problem for all?) I say "apparently" because now I do not trust anyone enough.
But the emphasis on suicide operations of the "union" should be highlighted.
So not enough tools at their disposal for the sovry grabbed c. .. ni, offer him another, fresh fresh, without asking in return for a similar and mutually exclusive. And then we're there to shrug when we realize that we are helpless and powerless to curb the abuses that are consumed daily in the Foundations. And we also there to ask why the disaffection of workers against the union, and we are there to ask why the workers and snobbino disertino assemblies because people are tired of hearing and seeing little authoritative and unreliable, chatting, chatting, and We are there to ask why there is resignation and a sense of abandonment.
There is always a reason, always ...
Returning to the news of the day yesterday, from Palermo is one of our party delegate to represent Palermo two days and two nights away from home.
But who has not represented and, in Palermo?
certainly has represented all members Fials, since it was -tailed flag, but who has not represented?
All other!
Charitable What is left unheard or negligence, in complete misinformation.
CGIL, CISL and Uil, which until recently were shouting against the law reform and mobilize workers in an epic battle, we find them in Rome to agree (perhaps without reading) to surreptitiously introduce a new tool that makes it increasingly powerful superintendents, and no one knows and says nothing ...
One thing you could say the same, I think, of each area of \u200b\u200bthe country.
The conclusions and / or analysis I'll leave to you all. I will just post the text of an email to a Genoese who thanked "someone" understand what whether or not you're target audience for this ... thanks
"... It 's been really nice parade with you today, along with
many colleagues and friends had not seen for a long time. Tomorrow will be a
very important day not only for you but for all of us who do
this work. In fact, if it were to pass the proposed contracts
solidarity Carlo Felice would only the open-circuit for all other
theaters, breaking up our contract and making it unsafe for life. I by
precarious really know what it means to be paid only on days when work
without union protection, so I urge you not to accept the road
of solidarity contracts. The threat of liquidation of the theater
scare anyone, but its implementation is far from simple and
immediately. I believe that if we want to kill all the world that
must represent at least make the effort to shoot them instead of
ask us to commit suicide alone.
However defend your workplace, at least you apart from
today who preferred not to express in symbols representing trusting
only themselves and not the employees.
A hug NS
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