Un ulteriore elemento di discussione per la categoria, in vista della Tavola Rotonda lucchese, viene da Marco Bianchini , noto disegnatore bonelliano e non solo, e riguarda i disegni che vengono chiesti ai fumettisti in occasione delle mostre di settore. Lascio la parola a Marco:
The International School of Comics aims to promote an awareness campaign to defend the work of all artists of comics.
Since we are in daily contact with many professionals, we have collected their thoughts and we do spokesman for their discontent. Like them, we believe it is necessary to change a bad habit that has been consolidated over the years: the comic is an art, but in Italy suffers from a cultural devaluation, despite the ability of Italian designers.
While this may have helped to create a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of cartoon artists, spreading the belief that their work has less dignity than that of other artists.
Increasingly, designers felt betrayed in their enthusiasm to share their work with the fans.
Here are the main source of discontent among the designers: the fairs give tirelessly of their professionalism and their art and then see it sold off on the internet: often we see drawings "sold out" for 5 €, so also the talent of the designer is devalued.
all their work, their experience, their labor are sold off for nothing.
Questa situazione marcia parallelamente a quella in cui un disegnatore si trova a dover rispondere a quesiti umilianti del tipo: “Tu chi sei? Che fumetti hai fatto? Ah! Allora mi fai un disegno?” per poi magari vedere il foglio accartocciato da qualche parte perché in fondo averlo non era poi così importante.
La Scuola Internazionale di Comics vuole sostenere e accompagnare i disegnatori in una rivoluzione di questo sistema che sminuisce la loro professionalità, per cercare di dare il giusto peso alla loro arte.
Per questo chiediamo a tutti quelli che condividono questo pensiero e che intendono attivamente spalleggiarci in questa battaglia educativa, di sottoscrivere questo documento per far sentire la loro voce e di rifiutarsi, nelle manifestazioni a venire, di prestare la loro opera gratuitamente. Da ora in poi chi vorrà un disegno potrà averlo dietro compenso o dopo aver acquistato le pubblicazioni dei disegnatori.
La Scuola Internazionale di Comics da parte sua, si impegnerà a far circolare questo documento e inviarlo poi ai media, agli organizzatori delle fiere e alle case editrici, ai suoi studenti e a tutti quelli che seguono le attività della scuola perché chi lo condivide possa sottoscriverlo. Per dare l’avvio a questa nuova tendenza, noi della Scuola Internazionale di Comics, in occasione di Lucca Comics chiederemo ai nostri insegnanti di esporre il loro tariffario quando disegneranno per i fan presso il nostro stand.
E chiederemo loro di applicare senza timore le tariffe che hanno stabilito.
La campagna vede il contributo dell’avvocato Eleonora Trigari, che si esprime a favore del manifesto. Eleonora è un avvocato milanese esperta in diritto d’autore che presta la sua opera ad artisti su tutto il territorio nazionale:
" Very properly the International School of Comics uses the term" cultural devaluation. " Sequential art in Italy he is not granted adequate artistic value, as happens in other countries. Nevertheless the study, the passion and dedication behind the works to comics.
Consider that in Italy the balloon does not enjoy even a specific legislative protection. There is a reform proposal to introduce a scheme for ad hoc works in comics, but it is a project still stalled (Bill No. 3298 of the Senate, XIV term, " protection of copyright works in comics" - to the President on 11 February 2005 -). It would be of great importance to reform, among other things, for a value in itself recognition of espresso, including legislative, comics as an art form.
The consequences of the devaluation dell''arte sequential culture are many.
First, it affects in a negative working conditions of artists. Just think of the numerous contracts that barely concealed draft contract of employment and that the designers, especially young artists, are "forced" to sign up just to be able to work. Or the lack of recognition of ownership of the original tables by the publishers.
the same designs are direct victims of the cultural devaluation of sequential art, because very often are not aware of their rights and are therefore not able to protect them. It is a palpable example of the fact that many people think that once you have signed the publishing contract all copyrights are translocated automatically to the publishing house, but not necessarily so.
This requires that designers first to loudly assert the dignity of their artistic works and the value of their work and who are actively committed to the protection of their rights, which must first awareness.
All those who care about art and culture should support, because all that does not promote the dissemination of art and culture itself is negative from the standpoint of social . "
Attorney Eleonora Trigari
The design is a classic sketch" from the cartoon show and World © Marcello. All rights reserved.
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