Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sorry Cards To Husband

Intervista a Graham Slater

Fabio Cester

Graham is the secretary of the PAC (Pike Angler Club of Great Britain) The PAC is undoubtedly the most influential association of pike fishing in Europe, and probably one of the oldest in the world, is mainly engaged in spreading the practice of pike fishing and safeguarding the pike. For those wishing more information on CAP, visit their website: www.pacgb.co.uk

Graham was kind enough to offer us a small interview on the importance of associations in fishing for pike, and while we were there I made a few more questions on those issues that are important to us, proved to be a person delicious. I hope you enjoy it as I do.

Graham, When did you start pike fishing?
(When did you start to fish for pike?)

Quite A Long Time Ago Fabio now! The Celebrated my 52nd birthday recently and Constantly Have Been fishing since childhood. It Was the sight of a dead pike That got me interested. During my early teens It Was common practice for all pike to be killed and I came across a group of people who HAD killed a pike of about 17lbs and I thought It Was The most beautiful fish I'd ever seen. I HAD to learn from books as I Did not Know Any Other pike anglers But I soon picked it up and pike fishing Have never stopped since then.

A lot 'of time is Fabio! I just celebrated my birthday 52mo and I started fishing when I was little. Seeing a dead pike 'was the reason for triggering. When I was in middle it was common practice to kill all the pike and I met a group of people who had killed a pike of 17 pounds (nearly 8 kg) and I thought the fish was more 'beautiful I have ever seen. I had learn from books because I did not know anyone else who fish for pike but I soon learned and I never stopped to fish for pike since then.

Graham Slater with a catch record

I know you are the secretary of the PAC righ now, how many people are Involved at the moment into the PAC?
(you are the secretary of the Pike angler Club now, how many people are involved in the club?)

At committee level WE HAVE A total of 12 people, Each With Their Own Such specific job as Membership Secretary, Magazine Editor, etc . But Because of the regional structure of the organization We have Liaison Officers who cover a wide Also area for us and the Regional Organiser who run the separate regions. The committee, Rely On These People to tackle issues at local level with Our help and support.

At the level of directors have a total of 12 persons, each with its own specific task as Secretary of Adhesions, Editorial Director etc. But because of the regional structure of the organization we have liaison officers and regional organizations that administer the individual regions. The Board relies on these people to take care of local problems, with our help and support.

The PAC is without a doubt The Most important association in the european pike fishing scenes, what do you think made it so great over the years?
(PAC is without doubt the greatest reality of membership in the European scene for pike fishing, what do you think has made him so important over the years?)

Mmm, good question. I think first and foremost it has Been the drive and determination of subsequent committees to Promote and Protect Both pike. We are Constantly monitoring the situation and are very pro-active if we hear of a problem. We will approach clubs or individuals with a reasoned argument and try to get to work with us Them Rather than U.S. Trying to tell them what to do.

Mmm, good question. I think first of all was the passion and determination of the various Guidelines for the Protection and Promotion of the pike. We constantly monitor the situation and we are very proactive when we become aware of a problem. We're going to talk to the club and with the individual using reasonable arguments and trying to make them work with us instead of 'give him orders.

What You Would suggest to a club like Our small, to get the ITS voice heard?
(what advice to a small club like ours, to make their voices heard?)

This May sound simple to answer But the best way to get heard is to make sure you tell enough people. Offer to help with teaching novices about handling and unhooking, do not be afraid to approach anti-pike But clubs do it in a friendly way and have some evidence to back up your claims. On the CAP site we have 'Pike in your waters,' it is there for anyone to use Explains why and pike are an important part of Any Fishery. Lastly, be patient as it Sometimes Takes a while to get people to listen.

This can 'seem a simplistic answer but the best way to feel and' tell so many people. Offer help in the formation of the new recruits on how to handle and unhook the fish without fear of anti-club approach pike but doing so in a friendly manner, with evidence to support its claim. On the site of CAP we have "in your pike waters" (a document on the pike and its management), and 'available per tutti e spiega perche' i lucci sono una parte importante di ogni ecosistema. Infine, essere pazienti perche' a volte ci vuole tempo prima che le persone vi ascoltino.

Some pike welfare question now. I know that what follow are "hot issues" but I think you will agree with me, that talking about pike care, is never too much.
(Adesso alcune domande sulla salute del luccio. So che quanto segue sono argomenti delicati, ma penso, e sarai daccordo con me, che parlare della salute del luccio non sia mai troppo)
What you would suggest to people that hold pikes vertically by the gillplate or with bogas or other devices like this?
(cosa consigli a quei pescatori che tengono il luccio in verticale, reggendolo per l'opercolo o con attrezzi come il bogagrip o simili?)

Fortunately we do not see the Boga over here and I’m pleased we don’t. As far as I’m concerned it has no place in catch and release fishing. For many years we also had the gaff and the use of spring loaded gags in common use, these have almost died out now and we have approached a number of tackle importers who no longer bring them into this country.
There has been little re search done on vertical holds on pike but some which was done on other species in America showed that this hold could lead to stretching of the vertebrae which cannot be good for a pike.

Luckily there are plenty of vogue in our country and I'm glad there are not. For me there is no 'place for the vogue in the catch and release. For many years, 'was the popular use of the gaff and spring opener, now have almost disappeared and we have contacted several dealers who import them now more' in our country.
vertical sockets have not been thoroughly investigated but the research done on American species has shown that they can lead to distension of the vertebrae that certainly is not good for pike.

Graham with another sample of all respect

In your opinion, When it's too deep to fish?
(in your opinion, when it is too deep to fish?)

Personally I have taken pike from 55 feet of water with no problems at all But That Was exceptional. On Most waters in the United Kingdom it Would Be Deeper Than rare fish to 30 feet as the pike are Rarely That depth below

Personally I pulled up pike from 16 feet without problems but it 's been a great thing. In most of the waters of the United Kingdom and 'rare fish more than 9 yards since the pike over the depth of' no ..

How long a pike has to be taken out of the water for the pictures and Weighing Procedures?
(how long a pike can be taken out of the water for the operations of weighing / measuring and photos?)

An experienced pike angler Should Have the pike out of the water for the minimum time possible. My own procedure is to leave the pike in the landing net whilst I make sure the room, scales, unhooking mat and tools are ready. The pike is lifted from the water, weighed and photographed as Quickly As Possible and then returned.
There is no need for a pike to be out of the water for More Than 2-3 minutes.

A fisherman pike expert should minimize the time that takes the pike out of the water. I leave the pike in the network until I prepare the camera, scales, calipers and mattresses. I pull out the pike from the water, the more weight and fotogrado 'quickly as possible and then release.
There 'need to hold a pike out of the water for more' than 2-3 minutes.

We have a lot of live-bait anglers zander here That do not use wire leaders Any Think That Because the zander is leader shy, Would you suggest what to Them, or to convince us to Them?
(Sandre have many fishermen who fish with live steel with no end because they think that Sandra frightened at the sight of it, what do you suggest them, or what do you suggest to us to convince them not to do so?)

We Have This
too, But only on a small scale. We have found
The answer is to try and educate the zander anglers as to the damage That They Are Likely to cause to pike and Hope That They Will Come round to Our Way of Thinking. This works in a lot of cases But Some Simply will not change and all we can do is to keep Trying to Make Them see the correct way to do things.

also happens to us, but only on a small scale.
What we do is' try to educate anglers on the pike that can easily cause damage to the pike and we hope that one day come to think like us. This works in many cases but some simply do not change and all we can do 'to continue a provare a spiegargli qual'e' il modo giusto di fare le cose.

Thank you immensely Graham for your time.
(grazie immensamente Graham per il tempo che ci hai dedicato)

It has been a pleasure talking to you Fabio and I hope some of my answers have helped you to see how we do things in the PAC. One thing to remember, we have been doing this for 33 years so it didn’t happen overnight. We have found the best way is to break the big problems down into smaller parts and tackle them one by one. I’ll finish by wishing you every success.

E' stato un piacere parlare con te Fabio e spero che le mie risposte vi abbiano aiutato a capire come we do things here at the PAC. One thing to keep in mind 'that we started 33 years ago so it is not' a thing that 'grew up in a night. We realized that the best and 'divide big problems into manageable portions' small and resolve them one by one. In closing, I wish you every success.


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