With great print friendly pump, unions announce strike regime pretended to what they call, not by accident, "industry" of the show.
Too bad the "big event" held cautiously to a closed cinema in Rome, is proclaimed in the one day of rest for most of the theaters and opera houses.
What if I can not strike do? What a sight I jump? How do I involve the audience??
Already this first apparently inexplicable mob raises some legitimate suspicion ...
another obvious question then arises: Who asked him?
Since since that day, the month of July looks in vain for a single meeting of the board of the union sector, where they usually take decisions on strikes and demonstrations, their significance, opportunities, and message ... once again we ask: Who told you asked ??
Perhaps an answer for those who want to see is right here: the workers have not asked, did not have the time to do it, then who wants it? Who wants an event where he calls for a framework law that sucks? Another disaster agreed between the PD and De Biasi zealous CARLUCCI destroy that, if approved, what little remains of the educational and pedagogical role of the national patrimony, consisting dallo spettacolo dal vivo?
Chi vuole affrettare la firma di un Contratto Nazionale con queste controparti a tutti i costi?
Visto che il Governo sta per cadere non sarebbe opportuno sperare e lavorare per levarsi dalle scatole Marco Tutino e altri imbecilli di tale fatta? Oltretutto sapendo che appena si firma un CCNL in vigenza della legge Bondi, si tolgono ulteriori diritti ai lavoratori???
La controparte non si è fatta sentire, per ora...invece di approfittarne per cambiare controparte si vuol affrettare la riapertura di una trattativa dove non ci sono nemmeno i fondi minimi stanziati per un qualunque tipo di rinnovo contrattuale...Ma che siamo masochists?
what zeal, and how fast! Maybe you want to hand over to cronies (Nastasi, De Biase, Tutino) to put the icing on the cake, just before a change of the political risk of breaking the Brotherhood putting the workers in terms of opera to ask and maybe get the repeal of the law Bondi believe that all that crap, but can not wait to apply.
The other slogan (a Ideon), unwanted content of the declaration of strike fake, is the extension of so-called social safety nets to the entire sector, in particular to the Foundations Lyrics: a tool that will help anything but to protect workers: will, conversely, to remove the protections afforded to those who have, without giving to those who did not: Genoa docet: redundant and curtailed the precarious stability of salaries that will be fired themselves in two years to make way for new slaves. With the workers but against all the press and the review of arrangements in favor.
blackmailed because everyone insecure and dependent on the scheduling of seasons more and more made of the owners of football clubs who do not care very rights of citizens to enjoy high quality music.
All this disguised with a "strike" means a visa in order not to disturb i Sovrintendenti amici siamo in fondo contenti di non poter comunque scioperare contro noi stessi, essendo quasi tutti in giornata di riposo.
Comunque il nostro slogan d'ora in poi sarà CGIL CISL UIL? NO GRAZIE!
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