Monday, September 13, 2010

Sinus Infection In Baby

With that face a little so ....

away from 2005, a period still open to any hope of a better political class began, or rather, took concrete form, the fury of our governments against the culture and everything ciò che è atto a diffonderla.

Un oscuro senatore umbro di cui non si era mai sentito parlare prima, prese a cuore la cosiddetta riforma delle Fondazioni lirico-sinfoniche ovvero dei nostri pochi e mal amministrati Teatri d'Opera.
Il suo disegno, o meglio il disegno di chi lo ispirava, era tutto proteso verso l'umiliazione e la diffamazione dei musicisti: rei secondo il Senatore e i suoi ispiratori di percepire stipendi da favola e di lavorare poco a spese dell'ignaro e vessato contribuente.

Even then, it launched a state law, the Law n. 43 \\ 2005, which provided for the direct intervention by the Minister responsible, on the bargaining between the parties, with the annulment of the law, as well as outrageous thing unprecedented in relations Italian industrial, wage increases obtained in the individual theaters. As if it was canceled the contracts between business and unions Federmeccanica, authority ...
Nothing was said about the extravagance and corruption among the various artistic directors, brokerage singers and directors, bank accounts in Monaco, paid cachet in black and so on ...

According to the Ministry in other words, the solution to all the ills of the Opera in Italy was not to be found in the handlers, but in the performers ...

That plan was foiled in part due to the change of government (from Berlusconi to Prodi) and a minister (from Urban \\ Buttiglione Rutelli) occurred within a few months, but mainly due to the strong reaction of the musicians themselves who struggle hard to convince the new team to lift at least the worst of the articles of the law ... In the meantime, the disastrous state funding to the sector (FUS) were good or bad remained rather stable, which made it possible somehow to pursue decent work every day to do shows for the public ...

short, even if they unanimously declared its willingness to reform the sector without a doubt in need of clear rules for the management of public funds (virtually absent) and modernization (both the black beast administrators and unions) are pulled Italian live as if little or nothing had happened.

Five years have passed since that distant 2005, five years as five centuries.
A political and social abyss separates us from that time ... a constant campaign of libel (right and left) has convinced the public that the musicians are monster, full of shameful and undeserved privilege working as little as possible.
To no avail protests Uto Ughi, Zubin Mehta, Riccardo Muti, Daniel Barenboim, etc. ...

This campaign has thus prepared a fertile ground to reach to today:
Law Bondi is not the result of a general willingness, perhaps out of hand, even in so-called Stewards of the left, which was then stirred (the term non-random) the Ministry to do everything possible to make the 'deed': to destroy the rights of musicians to release more money to spend without control to Friends (agencies) that are out of theaters with its jaws wide open (always).

Nothing new under the sun, you may say, and yet very new, unpublished, is in carrying out the crime in question .... It ' that new advances that we see every day and take shape in other monstrous rich and succulent contexts: Major Events, the earthquake of Aquila, the G8 etc ... La Maddalena
E 'the widening of the crack that is being done in a hurry to occupy and removing any obstacles even constitutional, the smallest gap left by a missing opposition: opposition of the honest.

Large or small, every sector of public life and where circuited is invaded and made their money from the clique that is the subject of the opera investigations and interceptions, too slow to stop the infernal machine of destruction.

In the case of opera as in others, the pollution has been possible thanks to the liabilities (in the best cases) of the opposition which he believed, wrongly as usual, that the enemy sacrificing something (Opera Houses of the musicians) would at least have "saved" the theaters, the cinema etc. ...

So the House of Representatives we have witnessed in disbelief at the decisive session to scuttle the law Bondi, dove l'opposizione si è divisa tra intransigente e accomodante. 
PD e IDV al Senato hanno dato insieme dura battaglia, mentre alla Camera si sono separati per volontà di una parte del PD stesso, che sperava di portare a casa un altra legge, la legge quadro Carlucci-Barbareschi PDL-De Biasi PD, che non vedrà mai la luce. L'unico che ha portato a casa quel che voleva è stato il governo ottenendo di votare in tempo la legge Bondi.

Risultato: la distruzione della lirica italiana a partire dal suo patrimonio fondativo che non sono i muri dei Teatri, bensì gli esecutori, và avanti a colpi di mannaia.
Instruments indicating the progress of the recent disaster in order of time: the attempt to introduce a layoff in the show opera (which is a non-sense which we will explain in another post the meaning and the range) and a first address the issue of a ministerial deals with the Bondi law: that is to be demolished on how the National Labour Contract in force in the opera.
Or how to make practical implementation of the pay cut, the rights, jobs, to make way for Great Events in theaters and further dis-educate the Italian public for the proper performance Music.

worrying signs of cultural impoverishment are the replacement of the enjoyment of live television product "musical theater" and music education at school, completely quashed, in fact, in the Italian education system and not today.
Simultaneously, the FUS single financial instrument, it is cut so much, on the pretext of national economic crisis, by forcing the Stewards willingly and unwillingly to implement the attack on employees to survive, not however, having no way to convince the private sector to put money in theaters.
They close so important cultural and historical institutions such as the ETI Italian Theatre while rewarding its president Ferrazza, covered with money from the same ministry through the task of "saving" the Carlo Felice in Genoa (no apparently with good results) and fired all the other 250 workers ETI, despite efforts to negotiate that De Biasi has made in exchange for offering the opera theater ...

How do the Mayor Marta Vincenzi, Genoa, speak at events rescue culture and then propose the redundancy payments for its theater and who does the review of party support, are not known, but it seems to us a face ... "a bit like that."

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