Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Difference Between Deluge And Sprinkler Systems

Art & Craft

Sixteen years ago, from the belly of the journal of information and criticism on comics Fumo di China was born the ' Cartoonists Association, organization that aimed to give voice to the category and fight battles. He gathered about a hundred professionals and aspirants. For four years he produced a quarterly newsletter (almost) named exactly like this blog. Back
hour wave of mobilization for the so-called "General State of Comics" which should take place this year in Lucca in occasion of the traditional fair. The idea of \u200b\u200ba conference bringing together all the professionals in the industry to take stock of the situation on the state of the Italian comics market has caused the network in recent days to a vigorous debate going that you can follow the blogs that you find in the list of "All links" next door. To make an effective contribution to the preparation of the Lucchese I decided to pull out of mothballs to put those files available to all in pdf format, freely downloadable.
will post them one after the other in the coming weeks in the "Download File" to find it, too, next door at the top right. Just to let everyone know what has been said and done in the past on the subject that "States General" are about to face.

Then we'll see.
This blog could conclude its work remained only as an archive of historical pages.
cartoonists If colleagues want to adopt it instead as a meeting point of their activities to continue the work begun in Lucca, I will gladly make it available to the class about comic who does what is happening in our little world of work, from emergence of new publishers to the presentation of competitions in the field, reporting of job opportunities in Italy and abroad, people's positive or negative experiences of colleagues.
Il blog infatti non รจ mio, ma di tutti noi. Facciamone l'uso migliore.


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