Monday, December 27, 2010

Sorority Interest Letter Examples


of Jacopo For

Power and 'unjust and criminal. We agree. But how do you strike?
I will not dwell on the reasons why young people entitled to the streets. We fully agree. But right now many are discussing the use of violence and this I want to talk, 'cause we do not all agree and it would be foolish to deny that many people think it is time to "move from words to deeds." These guys say do not listen to us, breaking things and see if we go on to pretend it does not exist.
The issue of violence and 'very complex. Our culture makes us think it is a good way to deal with problems. A nice slap can 'straighten out a naughty child. A beautiful revolution army can 'lead to a society' right. I do not believe that violence can bring something good, even though I recognize the right to self-defense (which, as self-defense must stop as soon as the threat clear and not 'more' present).
On the other hand, and 'clear that there is a problem of deafness' of power and censorship of the media, and that violence is always an effective way to attract attention. But block traffic, break windows and damage cars are actions that discredit the movement and give the power to beat more excuses' hard. It would behoove us? What we think is achievable?
Surely there are actions that work because of the square 'contain elements of sensationalism and wonder, like going peacefully on the tower of Pisa or occupy the roofs of the university'. And probably the creative 'people may' invent other forms of hard struggle, spectacular and peaceful. If you do not harm anyone and get maximum visibility 'you've won twice. If the target and then 'embarrass' the scoundrel that Casta misrule, there are other very powerful methods that do not have contraindications to come from the public, indeed, get the effect of sympathetic and charming rebel movement .
The globalized world of the Internet gives us possibility 'unpublished. It takes very little to understand that actions such as those Assange, which publishes a million secret documents on the network have a capacity 'to hit hard on the power system more' than they have parades. Certo, avere accesso ai file segreti del Pentagono non e' alla portata di tutti… Ma sarebbe un errore pensare che siano necessari grandi agenti segreti per creare grossi danni al sistema. Il potere e' talmente sicuro di se' che nasconde malamente le tracce dei suoi imbrogli.
Se gli studenti e i precari vogliono rispondere colpo su colpo all’imbarbarimento del sistema scolastico e della ricerca possono, ad esempio, iniziare a dare un’occhiata affilata ai bilanci delle universita', sono sicuro che basta leggerli per scoprire un po’ di magagne. Soprattutto nelle facolta' dove il rettore assume il figlio, la nuora, la zia e la cugina. Figuratevi se un tipo simile non fa anche la cresta sul heating and reimbursement of expenses ...
today simply make visible the intrigues and then report everything to the judiciary and 'a proven weapon of war. Where partners have made clear the house of power have dealt a serious blow to the system. It 's a tactic that is working for many local groups to defend the territory that are using it as a bludgeon.
Us in Santa Cristina, we have successfully used to block the construction of a huge pig that would have spoiled a beautiful valley. We knew that and 'difficult to stop a project that has major economic interests behind. We got together with all inhabitants of the valley (from newborns to nonagenarians) and at 6 o'clock in the morning, peacefully occupied the area, blocking trucks and bulldozers had to start work. And once we started to work with lawyers and engineers to verify all permits. It did not take long to find out a bit 'of illegal tricksy and within 48 hours the battle was won, and we also achieve the constraint of the valley landscape. Imagine if thousand students take a few days of work to comb through the budgets of the faculty, 'high schools, research centers, ensure the fairness' of legal contests ... Imagine if students were entering into the merits of financial statements demanding that you stop throwing every hundred years from the window millions of euro because 'schools and universities' are not equipped with the most 'basic insulation and everything' marked to waste. Imagine if the precarious researchers to be drawn to check how much they are paid for equipment for research. All information can be obtained relatively easily ... Imagine if someone you devote to leave some registratorino around, or shoot a mobile teachers who make advances to female students. It would be a devastating guerrilla ...


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