Thursday, December 30, 2010

Birthday Card For An 18 Year Old.


Birthday Card For An 18 Year Old.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Sorority Interest Letter Examples


of Jacopo For

Power and 'unjust and criminal. We agree. But how do you strike?
I will not dwell on the reasons why young people entitled to the streets. We fully agree. But right now many are discussing the use of violence and this I want to talk, 'cause we do not all agree and it would be foolish to deny that many people think it is time to "move from words to deeds." These guys say do not listen to us, breaking things and see if we go on to pretend it does not exist.
The issue of violence and 'very complex. Our culture makes us think it is a good way to deal with problems. A nice slap can 'straighten out a naughty child. A beautiful revolution army can 'lead to a society' right. I do not believe that violence can bring something good, even though I recognize the right to self-defense (which, as self-defense must stop as soon as the threat clear and not 'more' present).
On the other hand, and 'clear that there is a problem of deafness' of power and censorship of the media, and that violence is always an effective way to attract attention. But block traffic, break windows and damage cars are actions that discredit the movement and give the power to beat more excuses' hard. It would behoove us? What we think is achievable?
Surely there are actions that work because of the square 'contain elements of sensationalism and wonder, like going peacefully on the tower of Pisa or occupy the roofs of the university'. And probably the creative 'people may' invent other forms of hard struggle, spectacular and peaceful. If you do not harm anyone and get maximum visibility 'you've won twice. If the target and then 'embarrass' the scoundrel that Casta misrule, there are other very powerful methods that do not have contraindications to come from the public, indeed, get the effect of sympathetic and charming rebel movement .
The globalized world of the Internet gives us possibility 'unpublished. It takes very little to understand that actions such as those Assange, which publishes a million secret documents on the network have a capacity 'to hit hard on the power system more' than they have parades. Certo, avere accesso ai file segreti del Pentagono non e' alla portata di tutti… Ma sarebbe un errore pensare che siano necessari grandi agenti segreti per creare grossi danni al sistema. Il potere e' talmente sicuro di se' che nasconde malamente le tracce dei suoi imbrogli.
Se gli studenti e i precari vogliono rispondere colpo su colpo all’imbarbarimento del sistema scolastico e della ricerca possono, ad esempio, iniziare a dare un’occhiata affilata ai bilanci delle universita', sono sicuro che basta leggerli per scoprire un po’ di magagne. Soprattutto nelle facolta' dove il rettore assume il figlio, la nuora, la zia e la cugina. Figuratevi se un tipo simile non fa anche la cresta sul heating and reimbursement of expenses ...
today simply make visible the intrigues and then report everything to the judiciary and 'a proven weapon of war. Where partners have made clear the house of power have dealt a serious blow to the system. It 's a tactic that is working for many local groups to defend the territory that are using it as a bludgeon.
Us in Santa Cristina, we have successfully used to block the construction of a huge pig that would have spoiled a beautiful valley. We knew that and 'difficult to stop a project that has major economic interests behind. We got together with all inhabitants of the valley (from newborns to nonagenarians) and at 6 o'clock in the morning, peacefully occupied the area, blocking trucks and bulldozers had to start work. And once we started to work with lawyers and engineers to verify all permits. It did not take long to find out a bit 'of illegal tricksy and within 48 hours the battle was won, and we also achieve the constraint of the valley landscape. Imagine if thousand students take a few days of work to comb through the budgets of the faculty, 'high schools, research centers, ensure the fairness' of legal contests ... Imagine if students were entering into the merits of financial statements demanding that you stop throwing every hundred years from the window millions of euro because 'schools and universities' are not equipped with the most 'basic insulation and everything' marked to waste. Imagine if the precarious researchers to be drawn to check how much they are paid for equipment for research. All information can be obtained relatively easily ... Imagine if someone you devote to leave some registratorino around, or shoot a mobile teachers who make advances to female students. It would be a devastating guerrilla ...

Sorority Interest Letter Examples


of Jacopo For

Power and 'unjust and criminal. We agree. But how do you strike?
I will not dwell on the reasons why young people entitled to the streets. We fully agree. But right now many are discussing the use of violence and this I want to talk, 'cause we do not all agree and it would be foolish to deny that many people think it is time to "move from words to deeds." These guys say do not listen to us, breaking things and see if we go on to pretend it does not exist.
The issue of violence and 'very complex. Our culture makes us think it is a good way to deal with problems. A nice slap can 'straighten out a naughty child. A beautiful revolution army can 'lead to a society' right. I do not believe that violence can bring something good, even though I recognize the right to self-defense (which, as self-defense must stop as soon as the threat clear and not 'more' present).
On the other hand, and 'clear that there is a problem of deafness' of power and censorship of the media, and that violence is always an effective way to attract attention. But block traffic, break windows and damage cars are actions that discredit the movement and give the power to beat more excuses' hard. It would behoove us? What we think is achievable?
Surely there are actions that work because of the square 'contain elements of sensationalism and wonder, like going peacefully on the tower of Pisa or occupy the roofs of the university'. And probably the creative 'people may' invent other forms of hard struggle, spectacular and peaceful. If you do not harm anyone and get maximum visibility 'you've won twice. If the target and then 'embarrass' the scoundrel that Casta misrule, there are other very powerful methods that do not have contraindications to come from the public, indeed, get the effect of sympathetic and charming rebel movement .
The globalized world of the Internet gives us possibility 'unpublished. It takes very little to understand that actions such as those Assange, which publishes a million secret documents on the network have a capacity 'to hit hard on the power system more' than they have parades. Certo, avere accesso ai file segreti del Pentagono non e' alla portata di tutti… Ma sarebbe un errore pensare che siano necessari grandi agenti segreti per creare grossi danni al sistema. Il potere e' talmente sicuro di se' che nasconde malamente le tracce dei suoi imbrogli.
Se gli studenti e i precari vogliono rispondere colpo su colpo all’imbarbarimento del sistema scolastico e della ricerca possono, ad esempio, iniziare a dare un’occhiata affilata ai bilanci delle universita', sono sicuro che basta leggerli per scoprire un po’ di magagne. Soprattutto nelle facolta' dove il rettore assume il figlio, la nuora, la zia e la cugina. Figuratevi se un tipo simile non fa anche la cresta sul heating and reimbursement of expenses ...
today simply make visible the intrigues and then report everything to the judiciary and 'a proven weapon of war. Where partners have made clear the house of power have dealt a serious blow to the system. It 's a tactic that is working for many local groups to defend the territory that are using it as a bludgeon.
Us in Santa Cristina, we have successfully used to block the construction of a huge pig that would have spoiled a beautiful valley. We knew that and 'difficult to stop a project that has major economic interests behind. We got together with all inhabitants of the valley (from newborns to nonagenarians) and at 6 o'clock in the morning, peacefully occupied the area, blocking trucks and bulldozers had to start work. And once we started to work with lawyers and engineers to verify all permits. It did not take long to find out a bit 'of illegal tricksy and within 48 hours the battle was won, and we also achieve the constraint of the valley landscape. Imagine if thousand students take a few days of work to comb through the budgets of the faculty, 'high schools, research centers, ensure the fairness' of legal contests ... Imagine if students were entering into the merits of financial statements demanding that you stop throwing every hundred years from the window millions of euro because 'schools and universities' are not equipped with the most 'basic insulation and everything' marked to waste. Imagine if the precarious researchers to be drawn to check how much they are paid for equipment for research. All information can be obtained relatively easily ... Imagine if someone you devote to leave some registratorino around, or shoot a mobile teachers who make advances to female students. It would be a devastating guerrilla ...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Streamig Online Salieri

Streamig Online Salieri

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pregnancy Test Papers

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO LIVORNO to distribute literature AGAINST CRUELTY 'that are inflicted on animals in circuses!


We need people to help us hand out fliers IN WAY OF ALL PEACEFUL AND RESPECTFUL OF REPUTATION THAT THE NAME BAIRATI brings with it '.

MARA CONTACT 347 7897531 OR 340 5020509 ENRICA


Pregnancy Test Papers

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO LIVORNO to distribute literature AGAINST CRUELTY 'that are inflicted on animals in circuses!


We need people to help us hand out fliers IN WAY OF ALL PEACEFUL AND RESPECTFUL OF REPUTATION THAT THE NAME BAIRATI brings with it '.

MARA CONTACT 347 7897531 OR 340 5020509 ENRICA


Monday, December 20, 2010

Images Of Wedding Car Decorations


calcination in Shanghai to get to know China. It 's the choice made by Greta Valentini, 20 year old who calcinatese - finishing high school language - for five months lies in the economic capital of China for a period of study at Soochow University.

In Greta tells us how this service is going on experience.

of Greta Valentini

The question I put to the people is always the same: Why China?

The reasons are many: first it is very important opportunity for cultural exchange. observe the Chinese mentality and how it manifests itself in everyday life, to see how the modernity of these cities is mixed with the history and tradition of China, an important food for thought: you feel deeply the difference between our cultures. The Communist Party is trying in every way to modernize the city and erase any signs di antichità e di storia (processo che comincio con Mao Zedong poiché egli voleva cominciare un nuovo capitolo della storia cinese cercando di cancellare le tracce di un passato che cozzava con gli ideali del partito comunista) restano comunque numerosi indizi di un passato culturale importante. Per permettere che ciò avvenga si "espropriano" (non è corretto usare il termine esproprio, ma rende l'idea, poiché in Cina ogni terra è di proprietà del governo nonostante sia per esempio stata comprata da un cittadino) le terre per radere al suolo le vecchie case e gli hutong, i tipici quartieri vecchi cinesi, e fare posto a vertiginosi grattacieli di 30/50 piani. Ogni volta che capita di camminare in questi quartieri c'è da perdersi because the buildings are all the same seem to be made with the mold and therefore are numbered so that people can recognize their own homes.

There is also the desire to make our cities similar to cities in Europe / U.S.: If you walk along the river to Shanghai, on the one side are the palaces of Roman-Gothic style reminiscent of the more capital European illuminatissimi and other modern skyscrapers are reminiscent of those in Hong Kong they are installed on the costly effects of light and huge video screens which are projected the advertising of the big U.S. multinationals in the outskirts of Shanghai, and westernize are inevitably culture. Then there is the perception of being in the west, in some ways seems to walk through Dublin or Vienna, but we perceive that there is "something strange" that you are not really there.

Despite living here for a foreigner is not easy as it may seem, few people speak English and communication difficulties are many. However it is not an insurmountable obstacle, the people are very friendly and helpful, always ready to lend a hand, especially the "laowai," foreigners in some areas are still regarded with admiration and curiosity in spite of globalization is ormai cosmopolizzando questo paese e l'expo abbia portato nella zona una notevole quantità di turisti.

Oltre che alle costruzioni, anche le infrastrutture e i servizi sono impressionanti. E il governo investe molto in tutto ciò. Ogni giorno, ad esempio, ci sono treni veloci che collegano le maggiori città cinesi; sono treni ad alta velocità che sfiorano i 320 km/orari e sono puntuali come orologi svizzeri. Se ne trovano a tutte le ore. Inoltre le maggiori città cinesi sono dinamiche e piene di vita, la giornata lavorativa è di sette giorni su sette e comincia alle 5 della mattina per finire tardi la sera, nel giro di pochi anni le città si trasformano in maniera sensibile, where there was nothing a few years ago you can find whole new neighborhoods, and every day you hear fireworks at all hours in China are used when something is launched from small shops to large shopping center to a station meter before the close.

Pollution and perceptible is impressive, however, unlike our cities Shanghai and other big cities are full of parks and green areas where you see grandparents with their grandchildren to walk at any time of day. Cities are generally clean and safe, the police patrols are few as they are only required to handle the traffic. The Chinese law is very tough That is why crime, especially against foreigners, is very small.

Life in the city is not as costly to us, this opens the door to many activities and some luxury, travel in the first place. Airline tickets and hotels are cheap, for example, a weekend in Hangzhou, a city in southern China known for its gardens and canals, can cost € 100 all inclusive with no sacrifices.

If we move outside the cities, however, the scenario changes. The poverty there, but getting better with age. The districts are located on the old China rivers where women wash, goofing around their children, and grandparents all play Chinese chess set. They are all smiling in spite of living is very frugal and just happen to see a stranger when we find ourselves surrounded by locals, eager to invite you to drink a cup of tea at home. This is still the real China, far from major cities, but that inevitably is under the influence of these and that is destined to change.

Study in China, is one of the opportunities that best advice, not only to experience the huge cultural difference can be perceived in every conversation, in any form of contact, but also to live in a system completely different from ours, that an extra impetus to the new generations, offering many opportunities for comparison and reflection and that opens the mind to new ideas and different cultural, not only because the mentality and culture are different from those we know but especially compared to Europe and America because it is a new horizon in continuous development that enables young people to have endless opportunities for growth both personal and in the workplace.

My plan is to stay in China until January 2001. I have no specific plans yet for the future, definitely live here made me feel great career opportunities and personal growth that may occur in a developing country like this, for these reasons, my choice for the future is surely, if possible, focused on this new horizon.

Images Of Wedding Car Decorations


calcination in Shanghai to get to know China. It 's the choice made by Greta Valentini, 20 year old who calcinatese - finishing high school language - for five months lies in the economic capital of China for a period of study at Soochow University.

In Greta tells us how this service is going on experience.

of Greta Valentini

The question I put to the people is always the same: Why China?

The reasons are many: first it is very important opportunity for cultural exchange. observe the Chinese mentality and how it manifests itself in everyday life, to see how the modernity of these cities is mixed with the history and tradition of China, an important food for thought: you feel deeply the difference between our cultures. The Communist Party is trying in every way to modernize the city and erase any signs di antichità e di storia (processo che comincio con Mao Zedong poiché egli voleva cominciare un nuovo capitolo della storia cinese cercando di cancellare le tracce di un passato che cozzava con gli ideali del partito comunista) restano comunque numerosi indizi di un passato culturale importante. Per permettere che ciò avvenga si "espropriano" (non è corretto usare il termine esproprio, ma rende l'idea, poiché in Cina ogni terra è di proprietà del governo nonostante sia per esempio stata comprata da un cittadino) le terre per radere al suolo le vecchie case e gli hutong, i tipici quartieri vecchi cinesi, e fare posto a vertiginosi grattacieli di 30/50 piani. Ogni volta che capita di camminare in questi quartieri c'è da perdersi because the buildings are all the same seem to be made with the mold and therefore are numbered so that people can recognize their own homes.

There is also the desire to make our cities similar to cities in Europe / U.S.: If you walk along the river to Shanghai, on the one side are the palaces of Roman-Gothic style reminiscent of the more capital European illuminatissimi and other modern skyscrapers are reminiscent of those in Hong Kong they are installed on the costly effects of light and huge video screens which are projected the advertising of the big U.S. multinationals in the outskirts of Shanghai, and westernize are inevitably culture. Then there is the perception of being in the west, in some ways seems to walk through Dublin or Vienna, but we perceive that there is "something strange" that you are not really there.

Despite living here for a foreigner is not easy as it may seem, few people speak English and communication difficulties are many. However it is not an insurmountable obstacle, the people are very friendly and helpful, always ready to lend a hand, especially the "laowai," foreigners in some areas are still regarded with admiration and curiosity in spite of globalization is ormai cosmopolizzando questo paese e l'expo abbia portato nella zona una notevole quantità di turisti.

Oltre che alle costruzioni, anche le infrastrutture e i servizi sono impressionanti. E il governo investe molto in tutto ciò. Ogni giorno, ad esempio, ci sono treni veloci che collegano le maggiori città cinesi; sono treni ad alta velocità che sfiorano i 320 km/orari e sono puntuali come orologi svizzeri. Se ne trovano a tutte le ore. Inoltre le maggiori città cinesi sono dinamiche e piene di vita, la giornata lavorativa è di sette giorni su sette e comincia alle 5 della mattina per finire tardi la sera, nel giro di pochi anni le città si trasformano in maniera sensibile, where there was nothing a few years ago you can find whole new neighborhoods, and every day you hear fireworks at all hours in China are used when something is launched from small shops to large shopping center to a station meter before the close.

Pollution and perceptible is impressive, however, unlike our cities Shanghai and other big cities are full of parks and green areas where you see grandparents with their grandchildren to walk at any time of day. Cities are generally clean and safe, the police patrols are few as they are only required to handle the traffic. The Chinese law is very tough That is why crime, especially against foreigners, is very small.

Life in the city is not as costly to us, this opens the door to many activities and some luxury, travel in the first place. Airline tickets and hotels are cheap, for example, a weekend in Hangzhou, a city in southern China known for its gardens and canals, can cost € 100 all inclusive with no sacrifices.

If we move outside the cities, however, the scenario changes. The poverty there, but getting better with age. The districts are located on the old China rivers where women wash, goofing around their children, and grandparents all play Chinese chess set. They are all smiling in spite of living is very frugal and just happen to see a stranger when we find ourselves surrounded by locals, eager to invite you to drink a cup of tea at home. This is still the real China, far from major cities, but that inevitably is under the influence of these and that is destined to change.

Study in China, is one of the opportunities that best advice, not only to experience the huge cultural difference can be perceived in every conversation, in any form of contact, but also to live in a system completely different from ours, that an extra impetus to the new generations, offering many opportunities for comparison and reflection and that opens the mind to new ideas and different cultural, not only because the mentality and culture are different from those we know but especially compared to Europe and America because it is a new horizon in continuous development that enables young people to have endless opportunities for growth both personal and in the workplace.

My plan is to stay in China until January 2001. I have no specific plans yet for the future, definitely live here made me feel great career opportunities and personal growth that may occur in a developing country like this, for these reasons, my choice for the future is surely, if possible, focused on this new horizon.

Will Advance Auto Change A Wiper Motor


today the deadline for the submission of comments to the documentation parzialissima PGT (in reality is re-SEA with the change of the official proceedings, a position recently attributed to the head area of \u200b\u200bthe City of Manerba, a country that is known throughout Italy for the devastation that has been able to operate in its territory).

the letter, which you can ask us by sending an email to

linea.indipendente @

was addressed to would further fuel the controversy head of the engineering. Even if we remember very well that our administration which is not present.

Will Advance Auto Change A Wiper Motor


today the deadline for the submission of comments to the documentation parzialissima PGT (in reality is re-SEA with the change of the official proceedings, a position recently attributed to the head area of \u200b\u200bthe City of Manerba, a country that is known throughout Italy for the devastation that has been able to operate in its territory).

the letter, which you can ask us by sending an email to

linea.indipendente @

was addressed to would further fuel the controversy head of the engineering. Even if we remember very well that our administration which is not present.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Best Of Trampling

Comics in 3D?

In un momento in cui le innovazioni tecnologiche stanno cambiando il nostro stesso concetto di lettura, Gianfranco Goria fa qualche interessante riflessione qui , stimolato dal bell'articolo di Bartezzaghi su Repubblica  .

Ratman: "Avarat" è World © Leo Ortolani/Panini

The Best Of Trampling

Comics in 3D?

In un momento in cui le innovazioni tecnologiche stanno cambiando il nostro stesso concetto di lettura, Gianfranco Goria fa qualche interessante riflessione qui , stimolato dal bell'articolo di Bartezzaghi su Repubblica  .

Ratman: "Avarat" è World © Leo Ortolani/Panini

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Floor Vase And Pillar Candles


We were a bit 'absent due to technical problems, but here we are with new updates:

1) In our family dog \u200b\u200bcame home the young EDI, a Hooch di 7 mesi con un trascorso già molto difficile alle spalle.....
Comunque, nonostante tutto, impara in fretta le regole del nostro branco ed ha trovato in Zara un'amica preziosa di giochi sfrenati!

2) C'è stato il Circo Hamar a Livorno e ancora una volta ringrazio Enrica Ceccarini, Caterina Raffaele, Rachele Soldaini e Gaspare Ciulla che non si sono tirati indietro come molti altri ed hanno affrontato tutti i giorni davanti al circo pioggia, freddo, vento e offese da parte di molti cafoni, per dare alle persone volantini informativi sull'orrendo abuso che viene fatto agli animali durante gli addestramenti circus! Ponder ..., people, meditate!

3) Sunday, December 5 we had a banquet for information about abuse to animals, in Piazza XX Settembre, guests with kindness and sensitivity by the People & Dogs I thank you very much!
With the proceeds from the donations I was able to buy medicine for the Leishmania Dana and Toby.

4) Friday 10, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 Grand Street in a banquet will be present with information pro-vegetarianism and veganism ... collecting donations for the 10 dogs Bairo Pisa Hotel Group.
Come ask questions and get some flyer that will clarify the ideas that being vegetarian or vegan is a choice not only because it is animal rights, but also to protect the environment and human health!
you there!

Floor Vase And Pillar Candles


We were a bit 'absent due to technical problems, but here we are with new updates:

1) In our family dog \u200b\u200bcame home the young EDI, a Hooch di 7 mesi con un trascorso già molto difficile alle spalle.....
Comunque, nonostante tutto, impara in fretta le regole del nostro branco ed ha trovato in Zara un'amica preziosa di giochi sfrenati!

2) C'è stato il Circo Hamar a Livorno e ancora una volta ringrazio Enrica Ceccarini, Caterina Raffaele, Rachele Soldaini e Gaspare Ciulla che non si sono tirati indietro come molti altri ed hanno affrontato tutti i giorni davanti al circo pioggia, freddo, vento e offese da parte di molti cafoni, per dare alle persone volantini informativi sull'orrendo abuso che viene fatto agli animali durante gli addestramenti circus! Ponder ..., people, meditate!

3) Sunday, December 5 we had a banquet for information about abuse to animals, in Piazza XX Settembre, guests with kindness and sensitivity by the People & Dogs I thank you very much!
With the proceeds from the donations I was able to buy medicine for the Leishmania Dana and Toby.

4) Friday 10, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 Grand Street in a banquet will be present with information pro-vegetarianism and veganism ... collecting donations for the 10 dogs Bairo Pisa Hotel Group.
Come ask questions and get some flyer that will clarify the ideas that being vegetarian or vegan is a choice not only because it is animal rights, but also to protect the environment and human health!
you there!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bloating Stomach Toddler

Illustrators seen in Milan

not just the cartoonists to stir at this time. Illustrators also agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the problems of the class (or category "close"). For those who are in Milan or can still make us jump, or is interested in following the debate streaming, here's the official invitation:

contracts and relationships with customers in Italy and elsewhere

A round table to discuss the situation of contracts and relationships with the client within the illustration and comics (but not only). The trends in the use and abuse of Copyright in Italy and elsewhere. The joint actions that cartoonists and illustrators (and all the authors of creative works) can do to avoid the abyss.

The appointment is for Thursday, December 9 2010 from 18.30 to 20.30 at the space Chiamamilano Lane in Largo dei Servi, 11 in Milan. To reach the venue, MM1 (red) stop San Babila, or get off the bus at the terminal 73, or use the bus 60, tram 12, 15, come with the bike, the bike, on foot, airship, etc.. We wait.

The Association of Illustrators since 1980, promotes the Italian illustration through initiatives and events aimed at understanding and dissemination. Its ranks include many of the best hands of illustration today, with their works that leave an imprint in the world of communication is crucial in Italy and abroad.

EIF EUROPEAN FORUM Illustrators Italy
Corso Sempione 65, 20149 Milano
tel / fax: +39 02 8322840
Office hours: Monday to Thursday from 10.00 to 13.00
Please visit our site:

Bloating Stomach Toddler

Illustrators seen in Milan

not just the cartoonists to stir at this time. Illustrators also agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the problems of the class (or category "close"). For those who are in Milan or can still make us jump, or is interested in following the debate streaming, here's the official invitation:

contracts and relationships with customers in Italy and elsewhere

A round table to discuss the situation of contracts and relationships with the client within the illustration and comics (but not only). The trends in the use and abuse of Copyright in Italy and elsewhere. The joint actions that cartoonists and illustrators (and all the authors of creative works) can do to avoid the abyss.

The appointment is for Thursday, December 9 2010 from 18.30 to 20.30 at the space Chiamamilano Lane in Largo dei Servi, 11 in Milan. To reach the venue, MM1 (red) stop San Babila, or get off the bus at the terminal 73, or use the bus 60, tram 12, 15, come with the bike, the bike, on foot, airship, etc.. We wait.

The Association of Illustrators since 1980, promotes the Italian illustration through initiatives and events aimed at understanding and dissemination. Its ranks include many of the best hands of illustration today, with their works that leave an imprint in the world of communication is crucial in Italy and abroad.

EIF EUROPEAN FORUM Illustrators Italy
Corso Sempione 65, 20149 Milano
tel / fax: +39 02 8322840
Office hours: Monday to Thursday from 10.00 to 13.00
Please visit our site:

Perilli Tire On Hopnda Vtx

Pike Welfare parte 1: slamare e maneggiare un luccio

Stefano Vallongo

The subject of two articles that follow will probably not impress as a article about technical means ATTRE zzature but is useful for both fishing experience for a novice de lla pike fishing. Read this article carefully and get to grips with these issues on iv ost re fishing buddies. Knowing how to handle luc will allow us to more fish survive to reproduce and Q u then all of us to Catturani more in the years to come.
approach to fish
After many trials and launches here is that the pike does his co m appeared with eaten his defense and his unmistakable. The time of capture may seem like the end of a cycle, but in truth this is where the problems begin for many fishermen. Before putting his hand to a pike you must make sure that you have given up completely. If the pike opens and the gills or sways his head is a sign that still has some energy residual and waves avoid unpleasant consequences it is better to wait a few seconds before salparlo.E 'should be recognized that for the sake of fish is better not to extend too much time fighting and always oppose the strenuous DIFE sa d el pike a fight as the fish vigoroso.Forzando n the battle thanks to the 'use of powerful pipes and only leads to more robust braided laminates of excellent quality, decrease the stress of' esocide facilitate the resumption of life and the above avvivenza dop cattura.Di any size or both fish, it is recommended that the com beat pike does not exceed min temp o.
's use of the landing net
There is no standard method in the sail fish and d is always appropriate to assess the time on "what to do." If we fish from shore or by boat we can com RTAR very different ways, but always using common sense, to bring less possible damage to fish and we're fishing from the shore stessi.Se during combat departments and better already see a convenient place where sail fish, taking care not to a terra dove sono presenti rocce, rami o fanghi che possono ferire o far male al pesce. Anche se è sempre meglio evitare di appoggiare i pesci a terra, se la riva è erbosa e se la slamatura non è delle più facili potete anche adagiare il p esce sull’ erba e slamarlo nel miglior modo possibile.Pescando dalla barca munitevi di un guadino di gra ndi di mensioni, ne esistono di molti tipi, ma i migliori sono quelli con rete gommata usati da molti muskie hunter . Vanno bene anche guadini con maglia di rete spessa ma sono da sconsigli are quelli a maglia troppo fine nei quali spesso si incastrano the PROPER an that can harness the fish. They are built with network marketing and landing made with monofilament fishing type material or similar materials which are causing considerable damage to the mucus and pesci.In scales of principle, it is recommended that only the landing net uc we cut ( 80 cm and up) as a because of their strength, is more likely that we can get out of hand . Boat equipment as well as a mattress equipe carp, storing it in an area free of equipment. A mattress is the most suitable place in which to store esocide a good size to proceed without unhooking so f ar the crash and lose less mucus bit ssibile.Un method I've tested in recent years seems to co m unque be as simple and effective. However, with the increase of field experience and exchange of views between fishing methods may evolve, finding new and better solutions.
  1. As an angler fighting a fish the size of s u mate quickly prepares boat landing net, forceps, camera and tools for measuring
  2. Once c h and the fish begins a cedere le armi viene accompagnato dal pescatore dentr o il guadino che rimane ben affondato in acqua e il più orizzontale possibile.
  3. Il pesce guadinato viene lasciato qualche secondo in acqua dentro il guadino finchè non smette di dimenarsi.

  1. can proceed to unhooking the fish operc olandolo with one hand and slam each other but leaving water in the landing net or

  1. Once unhooked, seems 's can take some pictures, measure it quickly, and release .

If you wish to sail before you unhook the fish if you do not have a large mattress, and never place it is best done in boat taking fish landing net and a fisherman keeps sollevato.Mentre raised landing net with fish in it, the 'other provides for unhooking, only at the end of the fish is removed from the landing net for some pictures and a quick measurement.

E 'should be noted however that the fish must be released in suoambiente maximum within 2 minutes after cattura.Con these methods will prevent Pike running into each ute boat or on the ground, as if the fish start to squirm when salpaggio and unhooking the fisherman can leave tailing into the landing net Lifting ato minimizing the damage. In addition, it can happen that the fish into the landing net Slama facilitate all the action.
La presa opercolare
Nel maneggiare un luccio la presa più indicata e che ogni pescatore deve saper fare è la presa opercolare. Prima di praticarla bisogna riporre la propria attenzione sulla posizione dell’esca artificiale, degli ami o delle ancorette. In seguito andremo ad impugnare il luccio dal lato libero dagli ami con la mano, infilando la mano tra l’ultima branchia esterna e la guancia del pesce.Una volta che le dita si trovano dentro la bocca biso gna appoggiarle centralmente sulla lingua facendo pressione su queste con il pollice, dito che rimane all’esterno, below the mouth.

If successful, it would be better not to press your thumb with the tip but flex

because given the fragility of the lower mouth of esocidi can perforate the mouth with your finger or fingernails. In the pike in size can also put your whole hand, but it is better to put in those small and medium-only index.

This socket is safe for the fish to the fisherman and allows you to firmly grasp il luccio anche in caso che si dimeni. L’utilizzo della presa opercolare aiuta anche ad aprire la bocca del luccio, solo esercitando una leggera pressione.
Gli errori più comuni :
  • l’infilare le dita tra le branchie del luccio può provocare lievi escoriazioni alle mani ed esporre il pesce a possibili lesioni di una o più branchie.
  • Non premendo il pollice suindice e medio si può far incorrere tagli alle dita da parte dei denti e lesive cadute del pesce.
  • Nei piccoli esemplari è sempre meglio non infilare le dita troppo profondamente because it can bring too close to the canines' s lower jaw.
Using opener is recommended when fishing with natural bait or small artificial are sometimes swallowed deeply. The opener must be of high quality and can also be used to learn the correct grip cap. Once you have learned to handle the esocide, you will soon realize that the use of 'opener is redundant.
An alternative outlet "first approach"
In certain situations you can use a power other than the 'opercular: see quale.Questa socket is performed by holding the fish dorsally with the thumb on one side el' index from 'the other, in' hanging from the body, head and gills.

can be used to weigh and slam into the water for small fish, especially in cases of simple or unhooking bait stakes out his mouth. You can leave the rear of the pike in the water and helping with this grip with one hand, unhook the fish with the other. Unhook the fish quickly and release can reoxygenate sempre con questa presa. Buona parte delle slamature che effettuo ogni giorno su pesci piccoli avviene proprio in questo modo.Potete anche usarla come presa di “primo approccio” nel caso che il luccio abbia ingoiato esche con grosse ancorette questo perlopiù per sincerarsi della posizione dell’esca in bocca al pesce, per poter poi impugnare il pesce con la presa opercolare dal lato sgombro da ami.

Altre tipologie di prese, soprattutto quelle che non garantiscono una salda presa, sono da sconsigliare, poiché possono essere lesive sia per the fish that we stessi.Purtroppo recently has spread the use of boga grip pliers or similar, to handle the pike that are to be avoided as causing injury to the mouth and increase the possibility that other incidents occur. It is a sporadic case, but it happens that boga or other hooks from falling into the water attached to the mouth of the pike while handling it, inevitably causing the death of fish.